Monday, August 31, 2009

Grandfather Wizzz

I know I have been away for quite some time but I'm back and have an amazing photo of my grandfather. When every man reaches the age 82, which is of course, 8+2=10, the number of symbols in wizardtime, the man is faced with a become a Wizard or stay mortal. My grandfather obvioulsy chose to become one. So I helped him trim his hair while it grows....

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


only it will hurt you if you look into it's eyes for too long...


Sunday, June 14, 2009


Here is what fellow captives call the "Grand Wizard"--I know, it's loses something in translation--and he started to talk to me when one of stern, pink-uniformed guards advanced and started pulling his strings. I asked to take him off his stake, and she said he was too heavy and then shrieked, "No photo!" I'm pretty sure he was going to impart more secrets of the Resistance, and I'm sure he appreciates everyone's support and concern.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wizardry in Peril Part II...

Is there a God? How can an omnipresent ruler of the universe keep allowing our Wizard brethren to be commercialized, exploited and made a mockery of? This grainy photo, (forgive the quality), was sent to me by a non-wizard informant. Apparently this photograph is being carried across our land via post, and is being used to sell over-priced housewares and clothing to women. We must put an end to this. Please send donations, incantations, and general feelings of positivity as soon as possible. We are all depending on you.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I just returned from a country I can't name and the news is not good, according to one brave wizard informant. He spoke in broken wizard English, so bare with me:

Apparently, despite all the advances, wizards are being shrunken, tied with string, sold for amusement.

The pain is evident in their faces.

The last photo depicts brave dissidents, who attempted protest and even escape. They were dealt the tonsorial blow that all wizards fear.

I am enlisting one and all for mercy missions.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Random Sighting...

A few afternoons ago, while going about the day and socializing with a non-wizard acquaintance, I spotted this relic in his bathing area. Is it a homage to a fallen wizard relative? A quasi-religious icon whose existence is solely for the merriment of the public? We can never be sure. If you or any one you know knows the identity of this representation of wizardry, contact us. Good day.


Saturday, May 9, 2009